Welcome to Takshashila Institute for Child Development

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Advocacy & Awareness Programs

Takshashila Center and Institute for Child Development in Bhopal and MP , Autism Center and Institute in Bhopal and MP , Behavior therapy Center and Institute in Bhopal and MP , Children with special needs Center and Institute in Bhopal and MP , Attention deficit hyperactive disorder Center and Institute in Bhopal and MP , Speech therapy Center and Institute in Bhopal and MP , Behavior therapy Center and Institute in Bhopal and MP , Academic issue and Behavior problem therapy center and Institute in Bhopal and MP , Pre school for children with special needs in Bhopal and MP , Day care center in Bhopal and MP

Advocacy ------

According to the World Health Organization, Disability thus is “not just a health problem” but “a complex phenomenon, reflecting the interaction between features of a person’s body and features of the society in which he or she lives”

The PWDs are often looked down upon as incapable, and their disabilities are seen as inability. they have to bear many burdens in day-to-day life like, emotional burden, financial burden, social burden and physical burden.

In Takshashila we believe that we are together to support individuals with various disabilities and their family and protect their right. We Provide information to people with disability and their family about their human rights. we promote Campaigning for social change by speaking to the media to raise awareness.

Our goal is to advance and build awareness of these issues in the society so that we can create a diverse society for all.

Awareness Programs ------

At Takshashila we used to celebrate neuro diversity, acceptance and kindness every day. Takshashila is committed to:-

Execute different campaign in the community to spread the awareness for people with diverse needs (special needs).

Various screening camps in school and community for early identification of neurodiversity kids.